Beautiful and powerful invocations for healing your four lower bodies, including physical healing. Also heals your relationship with God. From the book; The Song of Life Healing Matrix.
Improve your communication skills by invoking the energies of the seven rays specifically focused on communication. From the book: How to Communicate from the Heart.
Heal all aspects of your life by clearing the eight chakras through the seven rays and the first secret ray. From the book: Heal Yourself by Clearing the Chakras.
Eight invocations for helping you manifest spiritual and material abundance by invoking creative freedom, harmony, wholeness and mastery over matter. From the book: A Course in Abundance, volume 1, Mind over Matter.
Powerful invocations for restoring the correct planetary energy flow from East to West and for invoking light into overall planetary conditions and specific disasters.
Invoke the Flame of Peace to consume the consciousness behind war, invoke light to consume specific conflicts and call for the consuming of the consciousness that creates division and conflict.
Invoke light to bring changes to specific areas of world politics, including the money system, the economy, and the recognition that there is a reality that is not affected by human beliefs, political theories and opinions.
Invoke changes in Europe, including consuming the records of Europe’s warring past, healing the European psyche and exposing the false foundation of Christianity that was set in Europe.
Invoking changes in Russia and all countries affected by the Soviet Union. Consume the consciousness of anti-christ and awaken the golden age consciousness. Call for setting your country free from the mindset behind communism.
Call forth positive changes in the Middle East, including consuming fear, consuming the consciousness of the “Accuser of the Brethren,” the consciousness that suppresses women and the consciousness of war.
Al je wensen, al je verlangens naar de dingen van de wereld zijn vervangers voor het echte, innerlijke verlangen van je ziel – het verlangen naar vrede.
AUDIO BOOK - downloadable mp3 files. "Healing Mother Earth".
24.1 hours
The book consists of the original 30 dictations by Mother Mary, the seven chohans and Gautama Buddha. Note that the tempo is a bit slower than for a normal audio book.
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