cc  paypal 2

User area

Shopping cart

Cart empty

The More to Life online store works like most other online stores, with the exception that credit cards are processed by Paypal instead of some other company (you don't need a Paypal account).


In order to buy, follow this procedure:


1. Register or log in:

- If you are new to the store, click CHECKOUT/Register. Then follow the steps to enter your customer information, including choosing a user name and password.

- If you are a returning customer, click Login. Then enter your username and password.


2. Select products

Find the product or products you wish to buy. You can browse the different categories on the left or use  the gray products menu . You can also use the search feature on the top menu. Note that on the top menu (next to the credit card and Paypal logos) you can select U. S. Dollars or Euro by clicking either EUR of USD.


When you have found a product, click Add to Cart. This takes you to the Your cart has been updated window. To select another product, click Continue Shopping. To check out, click Show Cart

You can get to the Shopping Cart at any time by clicking Shopping Cart in the header’s User Area. You can also leave the shopping cart any time by clicking a product category.


3. Shopping Cart

When you have placed the products you want in the Shopping Cart, select the country where you live (for VAT purposes).

Then use the Select payment method area for selecting:

  • Paypal or credit card. Here you pay either with a credit card or your Paypal account (the credit card is processed by Paypal but you do not need a Paypal account).
  • Bank Transfer or Check. You then need to go to your bank and make make a transfer to the More to Life bank account.

NOTE: If you choose to pay this way, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let me know your order number and how you have made the payment.

After you select payment method, click the green Confirm Purchase button.


Your credit card

When you select Paypal or credit card and click Confirm Purchase, you will be redirected to a Paypal window.

NOTE: If you want to pay with your credit card, click the Pay with card button at the bottom of the window (ignore the login boxes).

A standard Paypal window appears. Enter your card information an any additional information. Then, click the blue Pay Now button at the bottom of the window.



Your PayPal account

When you select Paypal or credit card and click Confirm Purchase, you will be redirected to a Paypal window.

If you want to pay with your Paypal account, fill in the login information.

A standard Paypal window appears. Enter your card information an any additional information. Then, click the blue Pay Now button at the bottom of the window.


5. After you have paid:


- If you have ordered printed books, the books will be ordered from the printing facility nearest you and you will receive a confirmation email.

- If you have ordered downloadable products (Ebooks or sound files) you can download the files directly from the Downloads area in the User area (to the left of the flower in the header). NOTE: The Downloads area is only visible when you are logged in. You will receive a confirmation email with the invoice. This will happen almost immediately after your payment is complete.




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