Invoke changes in Europe, including consuming the records of Europe’s warring past, healing the European psyche and exposing the false foundation of Christianity that was set in Europe.
For more information about this package, see the Transcendence Toolbox website HERE.
WINV15: Invocation for Restoring the WORD in Europe
Invoke the restoration of the WORD in Europe. The Word is the recognition that there is a reality that is beyond the man-made, ego-based illusions. Only by attuning to this reality can we solve the problems that plague our society.
WINV18: Invocation for Restoring the WORD in Britain
Invoke the restoration of the WORD in Britain. The Word is the recognition that there is a reality that is beyond the man-made, ego-based illusions. Only by attuning to this reality can we solve the problems that plague our society.
WINV28: Invocation for Helping Europe Rise Above the Past
Call forth forgiveness and resolution to help the European people let go of the wounds of the past.
WINV29: Invocation for Healing the Psyche of Europe
Call forth healing into the collective psyche of the European continent to help people rise above the consciousness of war and conflict.
WINV35: Invocation for Exposing the False Foundation of Christianity
Call forth an exposure of how the early Catholic Church perverted the teachings of Jesus and created a religion designed to control the population instead of setting people free from all earthly tyrants.
Format: 5 downloadable mp3 files
Read by Kim Michaels