If the Buddha walked the Earth today, would he give the exact same teaching that he gave 2,500 years ago? Or would he adapt his teaching to the knowledge of the world and the human psyche that people have in the modern world?
If you are open to the latter possibility, then this book will give you a new perspective on the Buddha’s essential teachings. The teachings in this book are adapted to the world view that many people have in today’s age. This book will make it easier for most people to gain a deeper grasp of what the Buddha taught. This will make it more practical for you to apply the Buddha’s teachings in your daily life.
This book is not aimed at helping you understand the Buddha’s teachings with the intellectual, linear mind. It is aimed at taking you through a series of intuitive or Aha experiences that will go beyond knowledge to the direct experience. The key to making full use of any spiritual teaching is to avoid focusing on the outer teaching, using it only as a tool for encountering the spiritual being that gave the teaching.
pages: over 450 print equivalent