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E-BOOK Being Spiritual in an Anti-Spiritual Society
Product SKU: E85

E-BOOK Being Spiritual in an Anti-Spiritual Society

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A heartfelt description of the dilemma that modern society presents to spiritual people and that spiritual people present to society
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Memoirs of a Modern Mystic, vol 1



Millions of people see themselves as spiritual, but not religious and they have very specific needs that most societies either ignore or even put down and ridicule. In this book one such person describes with deep insight how he experienced growing up in a society that claimed to be a free democracy, but still had no tolerance for those who do not fit the standard of being either Christians or materialists.

Kim Michaels has spent 44 years pursuing his spiritual growth, seeking to understand how the human mind and the world really work. He shares his own process and gives profound insights that can resolve the many explanation problems that dominate modern society. A book that will inspire and enlighten any spiritual seeker.

 You will learn:

What kind of beings we really are and how we function

Why modern democracies see an increase in mental illness and why we can either pay up or smarten up

Why we need to shift from focusing on material welfare to psychological well-being

Why some people need a sense that life has meaning

Why we cannot talk about life, death, God and Jesus

Why our societies cannot explain evil or stop it

The psychological mechanisms that limits all human beings and how we can free ourselves and find peace of mind

How spiritual people can make a contribution to society, but not the way most people think


pages: 482 in print version


ISBN: 978-87-93297-75-3




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