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EBOOK: How You Can Help Change the World
Product SKU: E56

EBOOK: How You Can Help Change the World

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Sales price $6.24
A deeply inspiring book that will empower you to fulfill your inner longing to make a positive difference on this planet.
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HAVE YOU experienced situations or seen them in the media and had a deep inner longing to change them? Do you have the feeling that you are on this planet in order to make a positive difference? Do you sense you are here to help bring peace and eradicate war or other atrocities? 

This is the first in a series of books that will give you the tools to fulfill your inner desire to change the world. Once you understand the real cause of world events, you will see that you have the ability to make a decisive difference. If enough people learn how to use the tools given in these books, major world problems can be overcome in the foreseeable future. You will learn:

The energetic cause behind all world events

Why invoking spiritual light can change everything

How to invoke spiritual energy right at home

How to know and fulfill your life’s plan

How to change the dynamic behind world events

How we humans have authority but not power 

How to work with spiritual beings who have power

How to support people who work for change

NOTE: This book is written as an introduction to the teachings of the the ascended masters and how you can use the spiritual tools they have given in order to make a decisive contribution to changing conditions on this planet. It is mostly new text but contains excerpts from previous dictations and three chapters from Healing Mother Earth. It also contains four new invocations that will not be published elsewhere, one for clearing each of the four octaves. I think even those familiar with ascended master teachings will find a useful and inspiring overview of the planetary dynamics. 

You can also buy recordings of the four invocations. See below.


ISBN: 978-87-93297-07-4

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