The 22 invocations found in the book Spiritual Solutions to America's Problems.
1. Invoking social awareness in America
2. Invoking an exposure of the false leaders
of Christianity
3. Invoking a shift from judgment to discernment
4. Invoking the Unification of the People of America
5. Invoking the transcendence of polarization
6. Invoking an awareness of our basic humanity
7. Invoking the New American Creed
8. Invoking an end to the obsession with winning
9. Invoking the political changes of the Golden Age
10. Invoking transparency in government
11. Invoking freedom from the slavery of capitalism
12. Invoking a post-capitalist economy
13. Invoking better leadership in America
14. Invoking the exposure of American foreign policy
15. Invoking non-dualistic leadership in America
16. Invoking a more direct democracy in America
17. Invoking the judgment of Christ upon
the false Jesus
18. Invoking freedom from judgment
19. Consuming the records of war in America
20. Freeing America from intolerance
21. Freeing America from black-and-white thinking
22. Freeing America from elitism
Format: 22 downloadable mp3 files
Read by Kim Michaels