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Results 49 - 72 of 172
DANISH E-BOOK: Jesus Koaner

DANISH E-BOOK: Jesus Koaner

DANISH E-Book "Jesus Koaner"
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.82
* Download link is visible after buyout
DECREE 01: Decrees to the Elohim Beginner

DECREE 01: Decrees to the Elohim Beginner

Seven downloadable audio files of the decrees to the Elohim: Read by Kim Michaels, 7 files with 9 repetitions at slow speed
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $9.55
Price / kg:
DECREE 02: Decrees to Elohim, Experienced

DECREE 02: Decrees to Elohim, Experienced

Seven downloadable audio files of the decrees to the seven Elohim: Read by Kim Michaels, 7 files with 36 repetitions at high speed.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.64
Price / kg:
DECREE 03: Decrees to the Archangels Beginner

DECREE 03: Decrees to the Archangels Beginner

Seven downloadable audio files of the decrees to the Archangels: Read by Kim Michaels, 7 files with 9 repetitions at slow speed
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $9.55
Price / kg:
DECREE 04: Decrees to Archangels, Experienced

DECREE 04: Decrees to Archangels, Experienced

Seven downloadable audio files of the decrees to the seven Archangels: Read by Kim Michaels, 7 files with 36 repetitions at high speed.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.64
Price / kg:
DECREE 05: Decrees to the Chohans Beginner

DECREE 05: Decrees to the Chohans Beginner

Seven downloadable audio files of the decrees to the eight Chohans: Read by Kim Michaels, 8 files with 9 repetitions at slow speed
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $9.55
Price / kg:
DECREE 06: Decrees to Chohans, Experienced

DECREE 06: Decrees to Chohans, Experienced

Seven downloadable audio files of the decrees to the eight Chohans: Read by Kim Michaels, 8 files with 36 repetitions at high speed.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.64
Price / kg:
DONATION for Websites

DONATION for Websites

Donation of €60 (70 US Dollars) to support the conscious spirituality websites:,, and the dissemination of the teachings of the Ascended Masters.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $65.47
Base price with tax:
Price / kg:
DONATION for Websites

DONATION for Websites

Donation of €40 (50 US Dollars) to support the conscious spirituality websites:,, and the dissemination of the teachings of the Ascended Masters.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $43.65
Base price with tax:
Price / kg:
DUTCH E-BOOK: De Kracht van het Zelf

DUTCH E-BOOK: De Kracht van het Zelf

De Kracht van het Zelf. De sleutel om jouw creatieve kracht te ontsluiten, is het Zelf te leren kennen, inclusief de oorsprong en componenten van dat Zelf.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.64
DUTCH E-BOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties Van Intentie
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.64
DUTCH E-BOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties van Wijsheid
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.64
DUTCH E-BOOK: Help de geascendeerde meesters oorlog te stoppen
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.64
DUTCH E-BOOK: Hoe je kunt helpen de wereld te veranderen
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.64
DUTCH E-BOOK: Mijn Levens met Lucifer, Satan, Hitler en Jezus
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.64
DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties van Liefde

DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties van Liefde

De Mystieke Initiaties van Liefde
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties van Visie

DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties van Visie

De Mystieke Initiaties van Visie
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.28
Price / kg:
DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties Van Vrede

DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties Van Vrede

De Mystieke Initiaties Van Vrede
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.28
Price / kg:
E-BOOK The Spiritual Liberation of Women

E-BOOK The Spiritual Liberation of Women

Profound insights and practical tools that empower women to change the course of society
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
E-Book: Cosmology of Evil

E-Book: Cosmology of Evil

A clear and concise teaching about the cosmic origin of evil, based on the teachings given by the ascended masters.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $8.74
Price / kg:
E-Book: Psychology of Evil

E-Book: Psychology of Evil

A profound treatment of the psychological aspects of evil. Written for a general audience with minimal reference to ascended master terminology.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
Price / kg:
EBOOK A Spiritual Clearance for America

EBOOK A Spiritual Clearance for America

A powerful tool for spiritual people to call forth changes in Washington, D.C.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK Ending the Era of Dictatorships

EBOOK Ending the Era of Dictatorships

A powerful tool for ending the time when dictators can exist on earth
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK Ending the Era of Fanaticism

EBOOK Ending the Era of Fanaticism

A powerful tool for doing something to end the influence of fanaticism
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
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