One of the most inspiring, thought-provoking and uplifting stories to come around for a long time.
A young man goes to war, thinking he is fighting for God’s cause and serving his nation. He loses one leg and returns as a physical and psychological cripple. He is angry at everyone and feels he was fooled into going to war by the Machine, which controls the world and uses individuals until they are broken.
The Warrior is taken in by a spiritual master who helps him see that the only way to free himself from the Machine is to master his own mind. The Master takes the Warrior through a series of steps and helps him make peace with himself, discovering his life’s purpose. The Master gives a broad range of challenging teachings on why nations go to war and why individuals go along. He explains why world peace cannot be achieved by changing others but only by changing yourself.
‘Individual peace is an effect of self-mastery. World peace is an effect of a critical mass of people attaining self-mastery.’
From Kim Michaels: This book is written as a story that is entertaining and engaging, yet it presents a compendium of the ascended masters' teachings on how to walk the spiritual path and overcome duality. It is a great book for your own enligthenment but also to share with people from all walks of life.
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Print version: 224 pages
ISBN: 978-87-93297-09-8