Many spiritual seekers know we have a personal energy field, which has several energy centers, called chakras. The chakras are openings that allow high-frequency energy to stream from our spiritual selves into our lower beings. When the chakras are blocked, our creativity is lowered, our spiritual well-being drops and mental and physical diseases might result.
Each of the seven main chakras is linked to a specific type of creative energy or spiritual ray. The key to keeping your chakras open is to use the energy of the corresponding ray. In this book, the ascended masters give profound teachings on how to purify your chakras by using the seven spiritual rays.
Through a combination of teachings and practical exercises, this book is a powerful tool for healing your life and getting results on your spiritual path. You will learn:
• How to unblock your heart chakra by accepting unconditional love
• How to clear your solar plexus chakra from anger
• How to open your throat chakra by using power correctly
• How to purify your soul chakra through the child-like mind
• How to open your third eye chakra through higher vision
• How to accelerate your base chakra beyond all impurities
• How to open the crown chakra by transcending worldly wisdom
NOTE: This book contains 8 dictations from the ascended masters. These dictations were previously published in the book Master Keys to Personal Wholeness. This book also contains 8 invocations for clearing the chakras. These invocations are new and will not be published anywhere else. The dictations are from: Mother Mary, Master MORE, Lord Lanto, Archangel Charity, Serapis Bey, Nada, Portia with Saint Germain. There is an invocation for each chakra, including the Secret Chamber of the Heart.
ISBN: 978-9949-518-46-3
This Ebook is also available from the Kindle store