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Results 97 - 120 of 172
EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Vision

EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Vision

Learn how to raise your vision and see beyond the matter screen
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
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EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Wisdom

EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Wisdom

This books contains dictations from Master Lanto on the initiations of the Second Ray of Wisdom and Illumination. Also contains seven new invocations.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: The Mystical Teachings of Jesus

EBOOK: The Mystical Teachings of Jesus

Today many people cannot find a lasting heart connection to the real Jesus and his teachings because, according to most Christian churches, Jesus no longer talks to us.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
Price / kg:


An inspiring and insightful guide to solving your problems or changing your life by using the creative powers you already have, the Power of Self. The key to unlocking your creative power is to know the self, its origin and components.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
Price / kg:
EBOOK: The Song of Life Healing Matrix

EBOOK: The Song of Life Healing Matrix

The Song of Life Healing Matrix (ebook) by Kim Michaels
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
EBOOK: Walking the Mystical Path of Jesus

EBOOK: Walking the Mystical Path of Jesus

The teachings in this book have helped hundreds of thousands of people gain a deeper appreciation for the mystical path that Jesus taught to his disciples 2000 years ago, the path towards union with God, a state of mind beyond most people's highest dreams
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Warrior of Peace

EBOOK: Warrior of Peace

The inspiring story of how a young man goes to war and is wounded in body and soul, but finds his way back to peace with the help of a spiritual master.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Was Jesus a New Age Guru?

EBOOK: Was Jesus a New Age Guru?

Did Jesus teach a gradual, mystical path to a higher state of consciousness rather than the external salvation promised by mainstream Christianity?
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
Price / kg:
EBOOK: What Would Jesus Say about Christianity?

EBOOK: What Would Jesus Say about Christianity?

This books contains dictations from Jesus in which he describes what he thinks about Christianity and how it has distorted his true message and example.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Your Life's Plan for Abundance (A Course in Abundance)

EBOOK: Your Life's Plan for Abundance (A Course in Abundance)

The three books in this series form a powerful course in mystical psychology designed to help you receive and co-create the abundant life.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK:Making Peace with Being on Earth

EBOOK:Making Peace with Being on Earth

Become one of the few spiritual seekers who are at peace with being on this planet
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:


Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.20
Price / kg:
GERMAN EBOOK: Meine Leben mit Luzifer, Satan, Hitler und Jesus
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.56
Price / kg:
GERMAN EBOOK: Meisterschlüssel  zur  Spirituellen  Freiheit
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.56
Healing Mother Earth (Audio Book)

Healing Mother Earth (Audio Book)

AUDIO BOOK - downloadable mp3 files. "Healing Mother Earth". 24.1 hours The book consists of the original 30 dictations by Mother Mary, the seven chohans and Gautama Buddha. Note that the tempo is a bit slower than for a normal audio book.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $33.89
Price / kg:
INVOC13: The Mystical Initiations of Wisdom

INVOC13: The Mystical Initiations of Wisdom

Invocations from the book by Master Lanto: The Mystical Initiations of Wisdom
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.56
Price / kg:
INVOC20: The Mystical Initiations of Love

INVOC20: The Mystical Initiations of Love

Invocations from the book by Paul the Venetian: The Mystical Initiations of Love
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.56
Price / kg:
INVOC21: The Mystical Initiations of Intention

INVOC21: The Mystical Initiations of Intention

Invocations from the book by Serapis Bey: The Mystical Initiations of Intention
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.56
Price / kg:
INVOC22: The Mystical Initiations of Vision

INVOC22: The Mystical Initiations of Vision

Invocations from the book by Hilarion: The Mystical Initiations of Vision
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.56
Price / kg:
INVOC23: The Mystical Initiations of Peace

INVOC23: The Mystical Initiations of Peace

Invocations from the book by Nada: The Mystical Initiations of Peace
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $16.27
Price / kg:
INVOC25: The Mystical Initiations of Freedom

INVOC25: The Mystical Initiations of Freedom

Invocations from the book by Saint Germain: The Mystical Initiations of Freedom
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $16.27
Price / kg:
INVOC29 Freedom from Internal Spirits

INVOC29 Freedom from Internal Spirits

Invocations from the book by the Maha Chohan: Freedom from Internal Spirits
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.54
Price / kg:
INVOC30 The Mystical Initiations of Power

INVOC30 The Mystical Initiations of Power

Invocations from the book by Master MORE: The Mystical Initiations of Power
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $13.54
Price / kg:
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