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Results 73 - 96 of 172
EBOOK: Climbing Higher on the Mystical Path

EBOOK: Climbing Higher on the Mystical Path

In this book Jesus describes in a very personal way the more advanced stages of the mystical or spiritual path.
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Sales price: $6.24
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EBOOK: Don't Drink Your Own Kool-Aid Second Edition

EBOOK: Don't Drink Your Own Kool-Aid Second Edition

This books contains dictations from the Ascended Master Guru Ma concerning how to walk the spiritual path, use a spiritual guru and qualify for your ascension. New material in the second edition
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $8.74
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EBOOK: Envisioning Saint Germain's Golden Age

EBOOK: Envisioning Saint Germain's Golden Age

For spiritual seekers who know about Saint Germain and his plans for a Golden Age, this book contains new teachings and powerful tools for grasping the vision of Saint Germain.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Expressing Your Love for Life (A Course in Abundance)

EBOOK: Expressing Your Love for Life (A Course in Abundance)

The three books in this series form a powerful course in mystical psychology designed to help you receive and co-create the abundant life.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
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EBOOK: Freedom from Ego Dramas

EBOOK: Freedom from Ego Dramas

The third book in a trilogy in which Jesus exposes the ego's epic dramas and how to free yourself from them.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
EBOOK: Freedom from Ego Games

EBOOK: Freedom from Ego Games

The second book in a trilogy in which Jesus exposes the ego's games and how to free yourself from them.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
EBOOK: Freedom from Ego Illusions

EBOOK: Freedom from Ego Illusions

The first book in a trilogy in which Jesus exposes the ego's illusions and how to free yourself from them.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
EBOOK: Freedom from Internal Spirits

EBOOK: Freedom from Internal Spirits

Learn how to manifest harmony between your spiritual and practical life and how to receive ideas directly from Saint Germain
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Fulfilling Your Divine Plan

EBOOK: Fulfilling Your Divine Plan

Reconnect to the plan for your life that you made before coming into this embodiment.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
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EBOOK: Fulfilling Your Highest Spiritual Potential

EBOOK: Fulfilling Your Highest Spiritual Potential

Profound teachings and practical tools for reaching higher states of consciousness.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Heal Your Life by Forgiving Everything

EBOOK: Heal Your Life by Forgiving Everything

How to book for overcoming old hurts and wounds from the past.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Heal Yourself by Clearing the Chakras

EBOOK: Heal Yourself by Clearing the Chakras

Powerful tools for clearing the 8 main chakras of your aura.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Healing Your Spiritual Traumas

EBOOK: Healing Your Spiritual Traumas

Learn how to heal your deepest spiritual traumas.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: How Mystics Can Unify Science and Religion

EBOOK: How Mystics Can Unify Science and Religion

A profound discussion of the purpose of religion and religious scriptures, mystical experiences and a non-violent approach to religion and science.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $4.08
Price / kg:
EBOOK: How to Communicate from the Heart

EBOOK: How to Communicate from the Heart

This book will help you boost your communication skills beyond the perceptions of the ego
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: How You Can Help Change the World

EBOOK: How You Can Help Change the World

A deeply inspiring book that will empower you to fulfill your inner longing to make a positive difference on this planet.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
EBOOK: Manifesting Saint Germain's Golden Age

EBOOK: Manifesting Saint Germain's Golden Age

This book gives you the insights and the practical tools you need in order to make a contribution to manifesting the Golden Age of Saint Germain—right from your living room.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Mind Over Matter (A Course in Abundance)

EBOOK: Mind Over Matter (A Course in Abundance)

The three books in this series form a powerful course in mystical psychology designed to help you receive and co-create the abundant life.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $7.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus

EBOOK: My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus

An astonishing, moving and engaging story of one person’s journey through the pivotal events of world history.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
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EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Freedom

EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Freedom

Learn how to manifest harmony between your spiritual and practical life and how to receive ideas directly from Saint Germain
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Intention

EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Intention

Learn how to purify your intentions from fear and discover your original motivation for coming to earth
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Love

EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Love

A spiritual perspective on how to improve any relationship by mastering the mystical initiations of love.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Peace

EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Peace

Learn how to attain freedom from perfectionism, blame and escapism.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Power

EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Power

Learn how to manifest harmony between your spiritual and practical life and how to receive ideas directly from Saint Germain
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
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