NOTE: The downloadable videos are in Quicktime format (.mov). Please make sure that you have a fast internet connection without any restrictions of the file size.
4 downloadable videos.
Part 1 - 36 m 44 s
Part 2 - 30 m 46 s
Part 3 - 27 m 10 s
The purpose of this book is to raise a series of questions that go beyond the paradigms of both mainstream Christianity and materialistic science. In doing so, the book suggests an entirely new – non-confrontational – approach to the abortion issue.
Al je wensen, al je verlangens naar de dingen van de wereld zijn vervangers voor het echte, innerlijke verlangen van je ziel – het verlangen naar vrede.
Epub formaadis e-raamat. "Kõik teie igatsused, kõik teie soovid selles maailmas oleva järele on aseained teie hinge tõelisele sisemisele igatsusele – igatsusele rahu järele."
An inspiring and insightful guide to solving your problems or changing your life by using the creative powers you already have, the Power of Self. The key to unlocking your creative power is to know the self, its origin and components.
The teachings in this book have helped hundreds of thousands of people gain a deeper appreciation for the mystical path that Jesus taught to his disciples 2000 years ago, the path towards union with God, a state of mind beyond most people's highest dreams