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Results 121 - 144 of 172
E-Book: Cosmology of Evil

E-Book: Cosmology of Evil

A clear and concise teaching about the cosmic origin of evil, based on the teachings given by the ascended masters.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $8.74
Price / kg:
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EBOOK: Freedom from Ego Dramas

EBOOK: Freedom from Ego Dramas

The third book in a trilogy in which Jesus exposes the ego's epic dramas and how to free yourself from them.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
EBOOK: Freedom from Ego Games

EBOOK: Freedom from Ego Games

The second book in a trilogy in which Jesus exposes the ego's games and how to free yourself from them.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
EBOOK: Freedom from Ego Illusions

EBOOK: Freedom from Ego Illusions

The first book in a trilogy in which Jesus exposes the ego's illusions and how to free yourself from them.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Wisdom

EBOOK: The Mystical Initiations of Wisdom

This books contains dictations from Master Lanto on the initiations of the Second Ray of Wisdom and Illumination. Also contains seven new invocations.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Was Jesus a New Age Guru?

EBOOK: Was Jesus a New Age Guru?

Did Jesus teach a gradual, mystical path to a higher state of consciousness rather than the external salvation promised by mainstream Christianity?
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
Price / kg:
EBOOK: How to Communicate from the Heart

EBOOK: How to Communicate from the Heart

This book will help you boost your communication skills beyond the perceptions of the ego
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Walking the Mystical Path of Jesus

EBOOK: Walking the Mystical Path of Jesus

The teachings in this book have helped hundreds of thousands of people gain a deeper appreciation for the mystical path that Jesus taught to his disciples 2000 years ago, the path towards union with God, a state of mind beyond most people's highest dreams
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Climbing Higher on the Mystical Path

EBOOK: Climbing Higher on the Mystical Path

In this book Jesus describes in a very personal way the more advanced stages of the mystical or spiritual path.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Your Life's Plan for Abundance (A Course in Abundance)

EBOOK: Your Life's Plan for Abundance (A Course in Abundance)

The three books in this series form a powerful course in mystical psychology designed to help you receive and co-create the abundant life.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Expressing Your Love for Life (A Course in Abundance)

EBOOK: Expressing Your Love for Life (A Course in Abundance)

The three books in this series form a powerful course in mystical psychology designed to help you receive and co-create the abundant life.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Mind Over Matter (A Course in Abundance)

EBOOK: Mind Over Matter (A Course in Abundance)

The three books in this series form a powerful course in mystical psychology designed to help you receive and co-create the abundant life.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $7.49
Price / kg:
EBOOK: Heal Yourself by Clearing the Chakras

EBOOK: Heal Yourself by Clearing the Chakras

Powerful tools for clearing the 8 main chakras of your aura.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
SWEDISH EBOOK: Det minsta du bör veta om Livet

SWEDISH EBOOK: Det minsta du bör veta om Livet

48 revolutionerande svar på de viktigaste frågorna om Dig, Livet och Universum – kunskap du inte når vare sig på egen hand eller med samhällets hjälp
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $21.82
EBOOK: The Song of Life Healing Matrix

EBOOK: The Song of Life Healing Matrix

The Song of Life Healing Matrix (ebook) by Kim Michaels
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
The Song of Life Healing Matrix (Audio Book)

The Song of Life Healing Matrix (Audio Book)

The Song of Life Healing Matrix (Audio Book) (Audio Book - 8 downloadable mp3 files) by Kim Michaels.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $11.37
Price / kg:


An inspiring and insightful guide to solving your problems or changing your life by using the creative powers you already have, the Power of Self. The key to unlocking your creative power is to know the self, its origin and components.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
Price / kg:
E-RAAMAT:Koanid Maailmavalguse Valguses

E-RAAMAT:Koanid Maailmavalguse Valguses

Epub formaadis e-raamat. "Kõik teie igatsused, kõik teie soovid selles maailmas oleva järele on aseained teie hinge tõelisele sisemisele igatsusele – igatsusele rahu järele."
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $9.20
DUTCH EBOOK: De Koans van Jezus

DUTCH EBOOK: De Koans van Jezus

Al je wensen, al je verlangens naar de dingen van de wereld zijn vervangers voor het echte, innerlijke verlangen van je ziel – het verlangen naar vrede.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.12
Price / kg:
E-BOOK: Fallen Angels and the Psychology of Control

E-BOOK: Fallen Angels and the Psychology of Control

This book presents excerpts from dictations given by the ascended masters between 2004 and today. The missing link in your understanding of history.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
AUDIO FILE: Decree to the Great Divine Director

AUDIO FILE: Decree to the Great Divine Director

Audio file contains the decree given 14 times, 25.25 min. Read by Kim Michaels
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $5.46
Price / kg:
E-RAAMAT: Algteadmisi Elu Mõistmiseks

E-RAAMAT: Algteadmisi Elu Mõistmiseks

Eestikeelne tõlge raamatust "The Least You Should Know about Life".
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $9.20


LITHUANIAN "Jezaus Koanai"
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $4.76
E-BOOK: Creative Questions About Abortion

E-BOOK: Creative Questions About Abortion

The purpose of this book is to raise a series of questions that go beyond the paradigms of both mainstream Christianity and materialistic science. In doing so, the book suggests an entirely new – non-confrontational – approach to the abortion issue.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $3.74
Price / kg:
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