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Results 97 - 120 of 172
E-BOOK: Fallen Angels and the Psychology of Control

E-BOOK: Fallen Angels and the Psychology of Control

This book presents excerpts from dictations given by the ascended masters between 2004 and today. The missing link in your understanding of history.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
* Download link is visible after buyout
E-BOOK: Creative Questions About Abortion

E-BOOK: Creative Questions About Abortion

The purpose of this book is to raise a series of questions that go beyond the paradigms of both mainstream Christianity and materialistic science. In doing so, the book suggests an entirely new – non-confrontational – approach to the abortion issue.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $3.74
Price / kg:
E-BOOK: The Gospel for Busy People

E-BOOK: The Gospel for Busy People

Have you ever wanted to read the four gospels of the New Testament, but never found the time? Or have you started but got stuck because several of the gospels repeat the same stories?
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $3.74
Price / kg:
E-BOOK: Healing Mother Earth

E-BOOK: Healing Mother Earth

The book is a direct revelation from humankind’s spiritual teachers, including the Divine Mother, the Buddha and the Chohans of each of the spiritual rays. These ego-free teachers explain how we can each play a role in raising the collective consciousness
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $7.49
Price / kg:
E-BOOK: The Jesus Koans

E-BOOK: The Jesus Koans

This is a gem of a book that will not fail to entertain, uplift and inspire. Short, snappy and sometimes humorous zen-like koans that give profound insights into the true, inner, mystical teachings of Jesus—and everyday life. It turns out Jesus was a Zen
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $3.74
Price / kg:
E-BOOK: I Am Thinking Christian

E-BOOK: I Am Thinking Christian

This book is written for the increasing number of people who have either given up on Christianity or who find it difficult to be a Christian in an increasingly rational and scientific society. The book demonstrates that it is indeed possible to be a moder
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $1.25
Price / kg:
E-BOOK: The Secret Coming of Christ

E-BOOK: The Secret Coming of Christ

This book is written specifically for people who suspect that there is something missing in the official Christian view of salvation.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $1.25
E-BOOK: The Inner Path of Light

E-BOOK: The Inner Path of Light

Are you looking for an introduction to self-help that can be read and understood by anyone—even people with a rational, materialistic outlook on life? If so, this book offers a universal approach to personal growth that will help you understand how it is
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $6.24
Price / kg:
E-BOOK: The Least You Should Know About Life

E-BOOK: The Least You Should Know About Life

A short book that is easy to read, yet covers an amazing array of topics. This is not a self-help book, not a spiritual book, not a religious book and not a philosophical book—it is all of these combined. The book is so universal and non-offensive in tone
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $2.99
Base price with tax:
Price / kg:
E-BOOK: The Art of Non-War

E-BOOK: The Art of Non-War

Have heard about or read the classical book by Sun Tzu, called The Art of War? If so, this book will prove far more thought-provoking than the original.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $4.99
Price / kg:
E-BOOK: I Love Jesus, I Hate Christianity

E-BOOK: I Love Jesus, I Hate Christianity

This book was written for the many people who sense there is something wrong with – or at least missing from – Christianity, especially those who see that Christianity – in its present form – cannot survive in the modern age. The book makes a distinction
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $1.25
Price / kg:
E-BOOK: Master Keys to Personal Christhood

E-BOOK: Master Keys to Personal Christhood

The New Testament states that Jesus taught the multitudes in parables, but he explained “all things” to his disciples. How would you like to be one of Jesus’ direct disciples and receive the kind of instruction that was never recorded in the Bible? This b
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
E-BOOK: Master Keys to Spiritual Freedom

E-BOOK: Master Keys to Spiritual Freedom

It is an ancient axiom that the truth will set you free and the truth contained in this book will indeed give you the keys to spiritual freedom. There is probably no other spiritual book that gives you such a clear an accessible view of the basic dynamic
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.49
Price / kg:
DUTCH EBOOK: Contact maken met je Spirituele Leraren

DUTCH EBOOK: Contact maken met je Spirituele Leraren

Aan welke spirituele leraar ben jij toe?
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.20
Price / kg:
DUTCH EBOOK: Er Vrede mee hebben dat je op Aarde bent

DUTCH EBOOK: Er Vrede mee hebben dat je op Aarde bent

Jouw Hoogste Spirituele Potentieel bereiken
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.20
Price / kg:
DUTCH EBOOK: Jouw Hoogste Spirituele Potentieel bereiken

DUTCH EBOOK: Jouw Hoogste Spirituele Potentieel bereiken

Jouw Hoogste Spirituele Potentieel bereiken
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.20
Price / kg:
DUTCH EBOOK: Jouw Goddelijke  Plan ten Uitvoer  Brengen

DUTCH EBOOK: Jouw Goddelijke Plan ten Uitvoer Brengen

Jouw Goddelijke Plan ten Uitvoer Brengen
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.20
Price / kg:
DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties Van Kracht/Macht
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.20
Price / kg:
DUTCH EBOOK: Bevrijd van Interne Geesten

DUTCH EBOOK: Bevrijd van Interne Geesten

Bevrijd van Interne Geesten
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.20
Price / kg:


Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.20
Price / kg:
DUTCH EBOOK: Heel je Spirituele Trauma’s

DUTCH EBOOK: Heel je Spirituele Trauma’s

Heel je Spirituele Trauma’s
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.20
Price / kg:
DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties Van Vrijheid

DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties Van Vrijheid

De Mystieke Initiaties Van Vrijheid
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.20
Price / kg:
DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties Van Vrede

DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties Van Vrede

De Mystieke Initiaties Van Vrede
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.20
Price / kg:
DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties van Visie

DUTCH EBOOK: De Mystieke Initiaties van Visie

De Mystieke Initiaties van Visie
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: $12.20
Price / kg:
e-poe tegemine